Matomo-Image-Tracker Psittaciformes - Psephotellus - Hooded Parrot


Hooded Parrot - Psephotellus Dissimilis - Least Concern

The hooded parrot (Psephotellus dissimilis) is a species of parrot native to the Northern Territory in Australia. It is found in savannah and open woodland and is one of two extant species in its genus that breed in termite mounds. It has declined from much of its original range.

Taxonomy: One of three species known as antbed parrots, the hooded parrot is closely related to (and sometimes considered a subspecies of) the golden-shouldered parrot (Psephotus chrysopterygius). A genetic study revealed its ancestors most likely diverged from ancestors of the latter species in the late Miocene or early Pliocene at the conclusion of the 'Hill Gap'.

Norwegian naturalist Robert Collett described the hooded parrot in 1898. Its species name is the Latin word dissimilis "different" and either refers to its sexual dimorphism or its different appearance from its closest relative. Black-hooded parrot is an alternative name.

Description: The hooded parrot is a medium-sized parrot, up to 26 cm long, weighing 50 to 60 g. The male has a black head, bluish-grey beak, dark-brown irises, and its wings have a yellow patch. Its upper-parts are brown, its lower parts are turquoise blue, its back is brown, the tail is olive green tipped pale blue, and its legs are pink-grey. The female is a dull-green parrot with a grey-brown head and pink undertail coverts. Juveniles are similar to the female.

The male hooded parrot can be distinguished from the similar looking male golden-shouldered parrot mainly by the absence of a pale frontal band, a larger yellow patch on the wings, and absence of the red on the abdomen. The female is very similar to the female Yellow-shouldered parrot being identified by the absence of a pale frontal band and an absence of red on the abdomen.

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Psittaciformes, The Parrot Index, a part of Phoenix Feathers © 2016 - 2023
Page last updated: 12/24/23

Phoenix Feathers