Matomo-Image-Tracker Psittaciformes - Parvipsitta - Purple Crowned Lorikeet


Purple Crowned Lorikeet - Parvipsitta Porphyrocephala - Least Concern

The purple-crowned lorikeet (Parvipsitta porphyrocephala), (also known as the porphyry-crowned lorikeet, zit parrot, blue-crowned lorikeet, purple-capped lorikeet, lory, cowara, lorikeet, and purple-capped parakeet) is a lorikeet found in scrub and mallee of southern Australia. It is a small lorikeet distinguished by a purple crown, an orange forehead and ear-coverts, and a light blue chin and chest.

Description: Measuring around 15 cm (6 in) long, the male purple-crowned lorikeet is a small lorikeet with a dark purple crown, a yellow-orange forehead and ear-coverts, deepening to orange lores, and green upperparts, tinted bronze on the mantle and nape. The chin, chest and belly are a conspicuous powder blue, while the thighs and under-tail coverts are yellowish-green. The green tail has some orange-red coloration at the bases of the lateral feathers. The large crimson patches under the wings are visible when the bird is in flight. The small beak is black, the iris brown and the feet grey. The female is similar but has a darker iris, paler ear coverts and lacks the crimson patches. Immature birds are duller and lack the purple crown. Its call is a high-pitched loud tsit, as well as chattering while eating in treetops.

Distribution and Habitat: The purple-crowned lorikeet is found in southwest Western Australia, and in southern South Australia, east from the southern Eyre Peninsula, through the Gawler Ranges and southern Flinders Ranges and across Victoria to East Gippsland. It is also found on Kangaroo Island, but is not found in Tasmania.

Locally nomadic, it is often found in dry sclerophyll forest, especially where Eucalyptus trees are flowering.

Stacks Image 145

Psittaciformes, The Parrot Index, a part of Phoenix Feathers © 2016 - 2023
Page last updated: 12/24/23

Phoenix Feathers